Friday, September 4, 2009

Card Games, Champagne, and Inglorious Basterds

Well Quentin's newest flick has not turned out to be the mess that many critics have flagged it as, but actually the wildest fun I'm sure to have in the cinema all year..and maybe all of next year too. No it's not perfect (must it be?), but it's a mad film ripe with comedic cleverness, a sharp script, and brilliant acting, (though it may not be Mr. Pitt's best work, enjoyed him anyway).

. T has (in my book), proved that he is an original director (yes I know about the other film of the same title), who's camera is capable of elegance and power. Anyone who says they 'hated it' is entitled to their opinion (I suppose), but really how could you haters hate this free for all? And what
's more, how could anyone say that Q's lost it? The author of that comment is the one who's done just that!

On to other things, there is a scene that has been wrongly accused of going on for too long (it's called suspense critics!), where we first meet Diane Kruger's character in a dodgy basement watering hole. There, a card game is played and so I'd like to make a very quick note about it. Can I play this at my next party please?! It looks like so much fun I am not afraid to say, (though I may be alone in that thought). Who am I? Kafka, King Kong, Wintour, Peter Pan??? I love it.

And now I intend to ramble on about a little obsession of mine that (to my surprise and utter delight), makes a guest appearance in the aforementioned scene. Yes youthquakers, it is a champagne bottle. The most beautiful my eyes have ever seen, wrapped delicately in an arabesque design of anemones.

I noticed it first on various telly sitcoms and dramas and fell for it the very first time it appeared to me, (yes it was love at first sight). It was then that i found it necessary to unveil the necessaries.. what? who? when? why? It was wonderful to see her again, this time as a splendid supporting actress in Quentin's film.

As she made her entrance I was entranced once more by her charm and beauty. She (as some may be aware), is Perrier Jouet's La Belle Epoque (great name huh?). A taste will cost you a small fortune, (why I haven't yet had the pleasure to do so), but I am unable to resist for much longer. I've wondered too often if the secret kept inside of Belle is worthy of such a treasure of a bottle. It must be something sooo delicious. I demand it to be so ..for the bottle's sake of course, not my thirst. But what's more significant is that gorgeous masterpiece of a bottle.

I'd like her in my flat to tuck flowers into or to just admire the divine aura of art nouveau she was given by Galle the glassmaker, (thank you!). Looking at La Belle Epoque (without even tasting the secret), makes me so very happy, like looking at Van Gogh's 'Cafe Terrace at Night'. It takes me back to another era, (when i wasn't even thought of) and place, (France, where I've never been). That's what she does. It really is a magic bottle, one to be kept long after its' secret has been consumed.

here she is....lovely 'aint she?

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